Charaka supports this “National Cultural Jatha”

Charaka supports this “National Cultural Jatha”

Dhai Akhar Prem: National Cultural Jatha is a journey of dialogue with our countryfolks, their folk-art, traditional art and people’s art forms of the entire country. Pursuing the slogan, peoples’ theatre stars the people, the ‘Jatha’ (march) over 120 days will walk...
AVVA Maha Santhe

AVVA Maha Santhe

AVVA Maha Santhe, a one-day exhibition-cum-sale was taken place at Gandhi Maidan Nagara Sabha in Sagar, Shivamogga district dated 12th August 2023. A major initiative was taken by the Charaka Mahila Vividoddesha Kaigarika Sahakara Sangha Ni., and Jivanmukhi...